Aamir.Com.Np : Amir Khadka's Blog is up and running

Aamir.Com.Np is my personal website and blog. Everything shared and written at that particular website will be from me. Few months before, there was some problem with the website and it was closed.
At Pashupatinath Temple

After some months of server down and technical problem of Aamir.Com.Np, it is now back and running. The blog is hosted on blogspot and few post were also added from the previous server ( Blog ). All the post from the previous server were unable to access and get back to new server.

Contents On Aamir.Com.Np
Aamir.Com.Np contains some information about me, my photo collections, information about mediums of contacting me and my actions of Young, Wild and Free.

Content Concept Of Aamir's Blog
I will be posting my day to day activities on my blog. It includes time spent with friends, knowledge gained from research or expert discussion, travel experience, social and cultural impacts on our society, few words on something hot and trending from my country and the world.

I have many plans for future about Aamir.Com.Np such as online music library and so on. Keep visiting and loving us!
Thank You Friends!

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